Kuda's Clothes - Sylva Leathers
NEW! Furality Umbra-inspired textures, materials, and masks are now available with every Leathers purchase!
Public avatar test here! (no gender blendshapes currently)
Umbra-Sylva Outfit JexGet with that flowy feeling with the Sylva Leathers, made for Furality Sylva! (https://furality.org/#home)
I am not affiliated with Furality. Inc, just inspired by.
Models shown are using the Sylva Shader!
These are fit to Kuda's Standard bases (Avian/Hooves/Dragons/Jex) as well as the Sylvin.
Comes with two base texture designs (mostly color changes, not to decal designs), blendshapes to match most bodyshapes to the main body, and materials and masks made for the Sylva Shader.
Public avatars as shown with this clothing and texture will be available at the Furality Sylva Dealers Den, in my booth #213, and in my avatar world afterwards!
PLEASE READ THE README FIRST FOR EASIEST INSTALLATION!! The prefab for this outfit uses VRCFury for an easy installation, with a video on how to use it + a step-by-step text guide on how to add it on to your model by hand.
Included in the folders are the prefabs, FBX, SPPs, png textures, masks, and guides on how to attach this outfit to your model./
Kuda's Avian: https://kudalyn.gumroad.com/l/eltGi
The Sylvin: https://kudalyn.gumroad.com/l/sylvin
Prefabs, FBX, SPPs, png textures, masks, and guides