
Kuda's Hair - Wild Pack

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Kuda's Hair - Wild Pack

34 ratings

UPDATED MARCH 2024 - Remade from the ground up, new Wild and Yeen Styles are here!
I can't promise I'll have time to remake 2 more to fill out the original pack, but if you purchased the original 4 pack, you get these two for free!

Selling the new versions as individuals in case folks just want one more than the other.

Fit to all my Standards (Avian, Hooves, Dragons, Jex, Canines) with blendshapes to match, please enjoy the new hairstyles! Please be sure to check out the second image for more looks at the 2024 Yeen and Wild manes.

Included are VRCFury prefabs, PSDs, SPPs, Coloured and White texture PNG variants, and the base FBX!

If you have any questions, please contact me!

Old notes:

*Please note these haven't been modified for the Cheribrum by myself yet! Most are still usable, but may need a bit of tweaking to fit the back of the Cheribrum head in Blender. I plan on making altered versions for the Cheribrum at a later date, but feel free to do so yourself if you have the knowledge. Thank you!*

Thank you for your interest!

This is the second of the hair packs I'm creating for my models. These are intended to be usable with any current and future models I create.

Shown from left to right is 'Wild Mane', 'Wild Yeen', 'Wild Spiky', and 'Wild Tiny'.

Included in this purchase is the FBX, the .SPP file, textures, and a Unitypackage with the hair prefabs. The prefabs can be dropped into your project, just set the position to 0,0,0 and drag up to sit where you want it on the head. Prefabs already have the dynamic bone script settings on the recommended hair bones.

These can be purchased for use with other models! Keep in mind they are designed for models with larger animal ears.

I've also textured the hair in such a way that you can easily tint the hair tone in Unity on the hair's material! Please see the displayed gif for a demonstration.

If you're interested in the models used in the display images, please check out my Canine pack!

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FBX, .SPP files, Textures, Unitypackage with presets

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